b'Our AlumniMuneerah I attended LongleyAlso, having special educational needs, Park from 2021- SEND support was crucial, and staff across 2023, where Iall departments were more than happy to was immersed ingo the extra mile and create encouraging supportive studentenvironments where my academic passions culture, newgrew. As a result, I reached beyond my friendships andbelief at the University of Sheffield, studying academic excellence,Politics and Sociology (with Spanish), an which I still valueachievement I couldnt have accomplished today. Alreadywithout staff support. Through political coming from a political background witheducation at my A-level, I also work with my time as a Youth councillor, I needed toParliament and Local Council Politics, and grow and became nervous if Longley ParkI am a young leader in a SEND project for would be the place to aid my aspirations;Yorkshire and Humber. Many of the values, overwhelmed with student and stafflife skills and knowledge all stem from my support, Longley would become the placetime at Longley Park - If you want to become I would be voted in to become Member ofthe best version of yourself and academically Youth Parliament. Studying A-level Politics,flourish, here is the place! Sociology, and Photography, Longley provided me with an educational crossover in both the creative arts and humanities, securing my final decisions as I transitioned onto further education. Areeba When I came to Longley in 2021, it was reallyBecause of Longley, I am now someone a nerve-wracking thing, being so far fromwho is first to volunteer and speak in front home to study there. I wasnt sure about myof people which I never would have done course, the college or anything. However,before. I always tried to be a part of the many looking back, it was one of the best things Iexperiences that Longley offered to me such have done. I have learnt so much from peopleas being a part of student Ambassadors around me and especially my teachers. I amwhich I loved and now am continuing in so grateful to all the staff there that were soUniversity. The environment at Longley is friendly that it allowed me to build really goodso supportive and helpful, which creates an relationships with them. I remember manyatmosphere in which people just enjoytimes stopping in the corridors just to havebeing there. a chat.With the help of my teachers, I managed to Being at Longley has created such changesget really good results on my qualification that sometimes its hard to imagine I wasntwhich has helped get to where I want to be always like this. I have gained such self- in university. Because of my experiences confidence, assertiveness and being muchat Longley, I am now where I want to be, more outgoing than I ever have been before.continuing to strive towards my ambitions. 16'