b'SociologyA LEVEL5 GCSEs(including English and Maths) at Grade 4 or aboveAwarded by AQAWhat will I study? with any other combination of Sociology is a demanding and rigourous A level which helpssubjects. Sociology students students understand the different forces that shape individualsgo on to a wide range of jobs and society. Students are required to learn about a wide rangein policing, research, teaching, of perspectives and then analyse and evaluate these both inmedicine, politics and civil discussion and through longer written essays. If you enjoyservice as well as taking jobs in learning about society and want to develop your critical thinkingthe service sector. Graduates skills Sociology may be a good choice for you.of sociology have higher Levels of employment than many Themes covered are: How will I be assessed? other subjects. Education with methods in3 x 2hr exams at the end of Prepares you for further study context-This unit explores thethe 2nd yearOne exam forin a wide variety of humanities role education has in shapingeach Unit, and social science degree individuals and society courses. (Any area whereStudents examine a rangeWhat can I do next? understanding society betterof research methods andis relevant).A Level Sociology is very goodPrepares you for roles in: consider how useful they arepreparation for university, in examining the impact ofwhere strong essay writingResearch, Education, Social education. skills are very important.Services, Civil Service, NHS,Topics (Beliefs and Families)- Universities recognise thatMedia, Marketing, Police, This unit explores the rolesociology A Level providesAcademia.families have in shapingstudents with a very good individuals and society.foundation in social, political Crime and deviance withand policy knowledge. methods-This unit exploresSociology is regarded as a the role crime plays in shapingdemanding and rigorous A individuals and society.Level which combines well 86'