b'Career ProgressionAt Longley Park sixth form, the Careers Service is all about supporting you with each step of your journey to whatevercomes next.Whether you plan to study A-levels, a T-Level orWe have a strong track record of supporting a BTEC Level 3 pathway, you will have optionsstudents securing offers for Russell Group after completing your course. Some might finduniversities in a wide range of degree university is their logical next step; others maycourses including: feel that they are finished with the classroom Medicine and seek employment or an apprenticeship Allied Health professions instead. Our job is to introduce these to you through the provision of advice and guidance Pharmacy throughout your studies, and a range of options Law exciting events, trips and progression discovery Maths activities in sixth form, all designed to helpyou better understand your options and plan Biology, Chemistry, Physics your route to success. English Our Progression and Higher Education week Engineering (April and October) events bring a world Fashion of opportunity to you, framing an ongoing programme of careers and progression activities Journalism that takes place in your lessons, tutorials, and Media forms a vital part of our enrichment schedule. Primary Teaching Our specialist careers support team helps you make an informed decision about which isSpanish the right next step for you after completingSports Coaching your course.Computing + Games Design Induction and the tutorial programme in Y12 Art, Design and Media help you to understand the employment growth opportunities in our local area and beyond, Psychology with progression in Y13 to help you develop and Economics, Business and Accounting evidence the employability skills that employersMore importantly, however, we place you at the are looking for. centre of the discovery, research and application If you decide university is the option for you, wephase, supporting you to make the best decision have a team of UCAS specialists and a number offor you. partnership agreements with universities to help get you there. 26'