b'Our Tutorial ProgrammeUnderpinning Project You is our Tutorial Programme. As part of this you will work closely with your tutor for support and guidance during your time with us. Your tutorial programme has two elements. Each week you will have a group tutorial. Alongside this you will have an independent support session with your academic tutor.Group Tutorial Independent ProgressionThis weekly session focuses onSupport SessionWe strive to ensure that all three key themes: These sessions include regularstudents have a positive Health and Wellbeing one-to-one meetings with yourdestination beyond our tutor to support you in yoursixth form. Students receive Preparing for the future progress with us. In addition tobespoke guidance when Healthy Lifestyles this, you will also be directedresearching opportunities Setting Goals to use this time to completeand application processes. different tasks to develop yourAlthough UCAS guidance is Healthy Relationships wider skills and progressioncentral to our support, as Developing Self-Awarenessplans. You will be able tothe majority of our students and staying safe request a meeting with yourprogress to University, weEthics and Community Values tutor whenever you require also offer a full programme of it, and your tutor will direct support for apprenticeships Equality and Diversity you to additional supportand employment pathways Living in the Wider World where appropriate. including advice and guidanceCareers guidance with labourfrom qualified careers professionals.market informationProgression research andWider Engagementapplication support Building your social and Life at university or incultural awareness will help employment you develop as an individual.Budgeting and Finance We have established links withuniversities and employers; engaging with them will allow you to make informed decisions about your future plans. We invite speakers, organise conferences and Q&A panels, and run a wide range of trips to help students understand the world of work and provide cultural opportunities to further develop their experiences of the wider world.24'