
Designed with businesses and employers, T Levels are two-year, technical qualifications designed to give students the skills that industry needs. They bring classroom learning and an extended industry placement together.

T Levels are equivalent to 3 A Levels and other Level 3 vocational qualifications but are structured slightly differently into three main parts.

Technical qualification (TQ) is the main, classroom-based element. Students will learn about their chosen sectors through a curriculum designed with employers.

Industry placement runs for a minimum of 315 hours (45 days) overall and will give students practical insights into their sector and an opportunity to embed the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.

English, maths and digital provision is also built into the classroom-based element of the T Level, meaning students will be given a solid foundation of transferable skills. Students who achieve a T Level will get a nationally recognised certificate which employers will use as evidence in their recruitment.

What T Levels do the Sixth Form offer?

We have two T Levels at the Sixth Form; Education and Early Years & Management and Administration.

What can I do with a T Level qualification?
When you have completed a T Level course, you will be able to choose between moving into:
• A skilled occupation.
• Higher or degree level apprenticeships.
• Further study including Higher Technical Qualifications or Higher Education.

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