16-19 Catch-up Premium

Statement on the use of the 16-19 Catch-up Premium

As required by the Education and Skills Funding Agency and detailed in the document ‘16 to 19 funding: 16 to 19 tuition fund’, the Sixth Form has published this statement explaining how we will use the funding that we have been allocated.


Longley Park Sixth Form has been granted additional funding to provide immediate and ongoing support to accelerate the progress of those most disadvantaged by the pandemic. DFE guidance requires us to use this funding to support those students who have not yet achieved Grade 5 in GCSE English and/or Maths.  The funding is aimed at providing broad assistance to help targeted students to complete their overall programmes successfully. There are three distinct categories within the strategy – priorities for teaching, priorities for targeted academic support and wider strategies. This recognises that no single intervention will remedy the gaps for all. 

Funding will mainly be used to provide additional staffing to work with identified groups of students. Targeted groups will include –

  • students at risk of underachievement identified through diagnostic assessment
  • students who faced significant challenges during periods of lockdown which have impacted their learning and progress
  • students in need of support with engagement, motivation or study habits
  • students needing support to develop aspirations and plans for their next steps after Post 16 study 

 Specifically, the fund will be utilised for the following –

  1. To deliver a comprehensive programme of support to complement high quality teaching, aimed at closing gaps/deepen understanding, developing metacognitive skills and personal study habits  
  2. To offer more formal interventions for those who have fallen the furthest behind for those students who have knowledge, understanding and skills gaps that require additional intervention 
  3. To provide specific support to young people in preparation for progression, for example through support with applications for further training, education or employment
  4. To provide enhanced wellbeing support for students where the learning is impacted by wider issues

Targeted intervention will support those most at risk of underachievement. A plan of small group support, with no more than 5-7 students, will help fill learning gaps and help teach the study skills and habits required for success and progression to the next stage. This support will also extend to assisting students in developing their ability to plan and prepare for progression, with additional UCAS, CV and apprenticeship or employment application workshops, as well as general mentoring to support confidence and aspirations.

Additional investment in our Pastoral and wider support functions will provide broad assistance for any student where their learning and progress has been impacted as a result of wider issues.

The impact of our provision will be measured by a consideration of the following –  

  • the proportion of young people who complete their study programme and the progress that these students make from their starting points
  • the destinations that these students access on completion of their study programme
  • the proportion of students who progress internally from Level 1 to 2 and Level 2 to 3 and the progress that these students make from their starting points
  • the proportion of students who progress to the second year of study at Level 3 and the progress they have made in-year
  • learner and parent voice


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