
Brigantia Learning Trust understands that good governance is the bedrock of our Academy Trust.

The Trust has 3 tiers of governance: Members, Trustees/Directors and three Local Academy Boards. Governance at every level is made up entirely of volunteers. These individuals bring their experience and judgement, and accept accountability, not for material benefit, but for the greater public good. In particular to improve the life chances of the pupils/young people in our academies. Each tier of governance is finely balanced to ensure there is appropriate skill, competency and experience to undertake the necessary duties of that team. Collectively they provide leadership, scrutiny and challenge to the Trust Executive Team and Academy Trust overall.

How the business of governance is organised is shown in our handbook, terms of reference, scheme of delegation and annual meeting schedule.

If you would like to become involved in Academy governance, please contact the Executive Principal for an informal discussion.

Articles of Association March 2021

Governance Arrangements and Pecuniary Interests 2021 - 22 - Updated April 2022

Governance Handbook March 2022

Governance Terms of Reference

Governance Terms of Reference FRAC

Governance Terms of Reference Remuneration

Memorandum of Association

Notice of Resolution 19 Dec 2019

Scheme of Delegation March 2021

Longley Park Sixth Form Academy Advisory Council

Each AAC consists of a group of people who could be parents, community nominees, Academy staff and with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 11 people. They will meet with the Executive Principal and senior leaders.

In attendance at these meetings will be Link Trustees and a member of the Trust Leadership Team. This allows the voice of our local stakeholders to be heard first hand by the Board of Trustees.  

The current AAC members for Longley Park Sixth Form are:

Member Role
Karen Squires  Chair (Safeguarding Link) 
Emma Bryant  Community (SEND link) 
Leighton Collins  Community (Employability and Careers link)  
Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes  Community 
Nicola Bisset  Community (Trust)  
Lee Vestey  Community (Trust) 
Vacant  Parent Member  
David Drayson   Chair of Trustees 
Mary Gibson  Clerk to Trustees 
Mary Harker  Clerk to Trustees 
Rizwana Parveen  Linked Trustee 
Mary Pepper  Linked Trustee 
Jane Robinson  Trustee  
Nicola Shipman  Trustee 
Alison Warner  Safeguarding Trustee 
Trust and Academy Staff Member  
Jamie Davies Principal LPSFA 
Matthew Fieldsend Operations Manager LPSFA 
Yasmin Celik DSL LPSFA 
Mike Westerdale  
CEO (Trust)  

The Chair of the Trust and the Chief Executive Officer will attend at least one Academy Advisory Council meeting per year.

The Brigantia Learning Trust Board has established five key roles for Academy Advisory Councils:

To advise/act as a critical friend to the Principal of the Academy;

  • To advise the Trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy;
  • Represent the interest of the Academy community in the running of the Academy;
  • Represent the Academy in its community;
  • Provide support to the Principal in undertaking appropriate day to day procedures that are essential to the life of the Academy.

The five roles translate specifically into the following tasks that the AAC undertakes:

It acts as a key link between the Academy, parents and local community;

  • It supports the work of the Academy in the community;
  • It supports the Principal and Academy Leadership Team in the development and implementation of the Academy Development Plan and other relevant plans, ensuring that the Brigantia Learning Trust ethos remains at the heart of the Academy community;
  • It helps on the ground with the implementation of certain Academy policies;
  • It offers challenging but positive and proactive support to the Principal;
  • It regularly discusses the Academy’s performance in relation to the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

For more information about the role of the AAC please view the Academy Advisory Council Handbook or contact us directly by emailing

Academy Advisory Council Handbook

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