
Longley Park Sixth Form is a Good provider!

To read the 2018 OFSTED in full please click here

In October 2018, Longley Park Sixth Form once again received consistent judgements of Good in all aspects of provision. We are incredibly proud of this endorsement from OFSTED and for the positive comments about our young people, staff and our community.   Some notable comments are:

Staff and students value the rich diversity of the college population. They work harmoniously with each other in an atmosphere of respect and tolerance. Students learn, develop and put into practice British values during their time at college.

Staff and students all contribute positively towards a respectful and safe learning environment. Staff demonstrate inclusion and acceptance well and students reflect this in their behaviour, as they learn about and develop respect for the views of others. They improve their understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Students behave well, attend lessons punctually and are ready to learn. They work respectfully with staff and with each other and take pride in their work. They understand how their learning will help them to achieve their next steps in education and employment.

Students benefit from a wide range of additional activities which improve their confidence and social skills. These activities raise their awareness about life in modern Britain. Students develop increased aspirations, improve their study skills and gain confidence. They become better at making informed choices about their future.

Students take pride in their work and develop the confidence, knowledge and skills that they need to progress to further and higher education, training or employment.

Leaders and governors are passionate about ensuring that students can access higher level academic and vocational courses at the college. Students enjoy their learning and most make fast progress     

Leaders, managers and governors have high expectations of staff and students. They set challenging targets for themselves to improve the quality of education at the college. They are passionate about making sure that students who would not otherwise have access to academic and vocational courses can study and succeed


Leaders, managers and college staff model and celebrate diversity very well. Students from a wide range of cultures behave well, work diligently together and respect the views of others.


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