Over the last half term we have been introducing you to a range of strategies designed to help you manage and get the most from your learning. At the core of learning lies three important skills: motivation, mindset, curiosity and habit. These can make the difference between studying a subject and mastering it.
Our top tips for you are –
A big task, such as writing an assignment, or revising for an extended period, can be demotivating because it seems so big. Breaking the task down into manageable chunks can therefore help make it seem less daunting. Have clear sections and tasks to do, to make it simpler.
One of the best ways to stay motivated is to remember why you are studying in the first place. ‘Getting good exam results’ is not necessarily very motivating. Instead, you need to look beyond that to what the exam results will get you, whether that is a place at your chosen university, or a securing an apprenticeship or job. The more detail you can provide for your goal, the easier it will be to keep in mind.
It is generally easier to stay motivated if your studying becomes part of your everyday life and routine. For example, you might choose to get up an hour earlier, and spend that hour studying each day, or work every other evening, or perhaps study for one day a week. That way, it is easier to avoid being distracted during your study time, because you know that it is set aside for a purpose. Your friends and family will also get to know when your study time happens, and hopefully avoid you then. You should also ensure that when you start your study period, you minimise distractions. For example, put away or switch off your phone, so that you are not tempted to check it.
Some days you may want to look at one subject, and try another on a different day. You may also find it helpful to vary your style of working. You could, for example, try working in different places, and varying whether you work alone or with friends. You could also try different types of activities. Options include reading over your notes, writing a mind map or drawing pictures, making up songs or poems to help you remember facts, doing practice questions, or even teaching something to your friends, and having them teach you something you find difficult. Meeting as a group to share and discuss exam answers prepared by each person can give you a helpful critique of your own answer, and also help you think of other ideas. It all helps to keep you interested and motivated, and stop you getting stale.
When you start a new course, it can feel like it is all-important. This is especially true when exams loom. However, it is important not to allow your studying to take over your life. Especially when you are going to be studying for some months, you need to make sure that you build in time for family, friends, exercise, relaxation and sleep, to keep you feeling healthy in mind and body.
This week were giving away sticky tabs. These are a great tool to help you revise. They can boost your memory, test your sequencing, help you create mind maps and develop assignment or essay plans. Below are a number of ways you can use them to help you learn.
Test out this week’s freebie by doing the following –
For more support on how to use sticky notes to help your revision, try watching this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc-qV_a75pc
Remember, Learning Matters. And we are here to help. If you need help with getting prepared and your organisation, you can see our ILC team, our ALS or your tutor.
For even more information on how to master study skills, head to this page all about https://www.innerdrive.co.uk/what-are-the-best-ways-to-revise/. Here you can find loads more tips, links and research to help you succeed.