There are two key parts to this: 1. Keep a file which has all your learning in one place, and 2. Know how you will be assessed and what the assessments look like
This gives you a central body of work from which you can revise – anywhere, anytime. Take some time out to build it so it works for you. Get a file and some dividers (or use an online system) and make a list of how you can section out your subject, for example
You might find this video useful for building your files. Simple Folder Organisation System for Sixth Form // Year 12 & Year 13 - YouTube
You should know what your exams or assessment will look like and how to approach it. If you don’t, take action and find out. By now, you should have access to past exam papers, questions or assignment briefs. Get these into your file and build a bank of them. It can be useful to keep them in a separate section for quick and regular access.
Become familiar with your assessment, the structure and the style of questions. Look at them every day. This will help them seem less daunting. Understand your command words. Describe, Explain, Analyse, Evaluate. Each one will dictate the way you should approach your question.
Take it upon yourself to do more. Your teachers will be helping you develop the skills to apply the content that you have learned, so you can demonstrate your learning effectively in the exam or assessment. When you learn something new, think about how you will use this in your exam. Which unit does it fall into? Can I reference it in relation to another unit? What does it link to? What examples can I give?
Freebie Friday returns this week! Get down to the Plaza early to bag your Freebie to help yourself Get Assessment Ready.
Learning matters. And we are here to help. If you need help with getting assessment ready, you can see our ILC team, our ALS or your tutor.