Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about the sixth form.


What happens after I've got my GCSE results?

You will be invited to Enrolment which will be from the 27th August to the 30th August. You will receive a letter over the summer with details. If you can't attend enrolment, then you must get in touch as this could jeopardise your place with us.


What happens if I don't achieve my predicted grades?

Once you receive your GCSE results you will attend your enrolment appointment and a member of staff will help you with your next steps. If you change your mind about a course, don't worry as you can discuss this at enrolment. If you haven't achieved the GCSE results you expected we will help you to find an alternative course.


What happens if I don't pass my English Language and Maths GCSE?

If you do not achieve a grade 4 or above in English and/or Maths then you will have to retake these while you study with us. These qualifications are essential for you future; whether you move on to higher education, an apprenticeship or employment.


How do I ask questions about a particular course?

You can speak to a member of our staff by sending a message to us on our Facebook or Instagram account @longleyparksf and we will reply within 48hrs, or you can email



What will my timetable look like?

Timetables differ depending on the course or courses that you have applied for. You are not expected to be in the sixth form full time like school. However, you
are expected to work independently in your non contact time; whether that is in the sixth form Independent Learning Centre (ILC) or at home.


What happens at lunchtime?

We have a canteen on site which is open from 8am in the morning for breakfast, with free toast up to 8.45am, through to 1.30pm for lunch. We also have a café on site which is open until
2.30pm where you can purchase snacks, hot drinks and Frappuccino’s. You canalso leave site for lunch; there is a Costa, KFC and other shops close by.


What social activities, sports and clubs can I get involved in?

We have a wide range of Project You activities like Book Club, Indoor Cricket, Fantasy Football, Board Game Cafe, LGBTQ+ Cafe and many more. We also have a fully equipped gym, a sixth form football team and we are looking to start a basketball team also. You can alsojoin our debating society, student council, take part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award or apply to become a Student Ambassador.


What support is there when applying to University?

When you join the Sixth Form you will work closely with an Academic Tutor throughout your time with us. They will guide you through your application and we also hold regular UCAS workshops to help you.

Still got a questions? Get in touch.

You can call us on 01142625757, email at or DM us on social media @longleyparksf on Facebook, Instagram or X.


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