Revision & Exams

Whether you’re stuck for how to start revision or simply want some new strategies to try out, Longley Park will help you take that next step towards revision success.

Remember that a key factor is maintaining a positive mindset. Keeping active, eating healthy, getting plenty of rest and avoiding procrastination will all help you stay focused, efficient and effective at this pressured time. And remember, we are here to help.

Your teachers have all been where you are – ask them how they revised and what exams felt like for them. Also, keep a lookout for strategies – we will be posting them on classroom doors, around Longley Park and on social media during the exam period. The key thing is finding what works for you.

So think positively, visualise success and feel confident. It’s all about Project You!

Learning Matters here at LPSF so click here for some revision tips from one of our students Medina, who is in her second year of studying Financial Studies, Business Studies and Economics. Also, click here for advice about how to deal with exam stress and read about exam nerves and how to use them positively. You can also read Kooth's how to guide on coping with exam stress hereKooth is a free, safe and easy to access mental health service for children and young people. They are commissioned primarily by the NHS and are the only digital mental health service to be accredited by the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).


Here you will find some important information for you to read regarding your exams.

Spring/Summer Exam Newsletter 2024

JCQ- AI & Assessments- A quick guide for students

Preparing to sit your exams

Exam Complaints & Appeals

Unauthorised items in exams

Rules of the exams

Warning to Candidates

Written Examination rules

Work Submission rules

Coursework Assessments

On-Screen exams

Privacy notice

Rules of social media

Non-examination assessments

LRS Privacy Notice

Parents/Carers- supporting your child through exam stress


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